Members of the LMC商业联盟计划 help provide valuable financial support to the League, ensuring our ability to provide important research and information services and educational and training opportunities.

Our sponsors help support our mission to serve 明尼苏达州 cities. Learn how your organization can reach city decision makers with the LMC商业联盟计划 & 广告机会(pdf)

2024 LMC商业联盟


Members of the 商业领袖委员会 are the League’s premier partners, providing the highest level of financial and expert resources to support the organization’s mission.

  • 博尔顿 & Menk公司.
    博尔顿 & Menk believes all people should live in safe, sustainable, and beautiful communities. It specializes in providing public 基础设施 solutions and takes care of clients by providing quality services and the right solutions for their needs. 博尔顿有30家分店 & Menk is local and its team is made up of more than 900 employees, including a professional staff of more than 300 engineers, 规划者, 景观建筑师, 和测量师.
  • 埃勒斯医生
    自1955年以来一直是市政咨询服务的先驱, 埃勒斯帮助客户建立强大, 充满活力的, and sustainable communities by delivering independent, 公共财政所有领域的综合咨询. 埃勒斯处理的是大于1的问题,500个地方稳定的十大彩票网站, 学校, 以及五个州的公共机构, placing its clients’ needs and best interests at the center of everything that it does.
  • 肯尼迪 & 雕刻的
  • 明尼苏达医疗保健协会
    Health insurance is a need and providing it can be a challenge for organizations of all sizes. The 明尼苏达医疗保健协会 is a partner in bringing 明尼苏达州 cities, 县, 学校以最优惠的价格提供最好的计划, along with extensive wellness resources to serve the needs of their staff. 在网上找到我们 mnhc.稳定的十大彩票网站 或电子邮件 sales@mnhc.稳定的十大彩票网站.
  • 医师公司.
    做空Elliott Hendrickson公司. (SEH®)是一家100%员工持股的工程公司, 建筑, 环境, 以及帮助稳定的十大彩票网站的规划公司, 工业, and commercial clients find answers to complex challenges. SEH employee-owners share a core purpose: Building a Better World for All of Us®.
  • Sourcewell
    Sourcewell is a self-sustaining 稳定的十大彩票网站 organization and service cooperative for Cass, 乌鸦的翅膀, 莫里森, 托德, 和瓦迪纳县, 负责促进社区和学生的成功. 它提供区域培训和合同服务, manages a statewide self-funded group health insurance option for public agencies, and offers cooperative purchasing and school technology solutions across the U.S. 和加拿大部分地区. Sourcewell staff are force multipliers, empowering public employees in their public service mission.
  • TKDA
    TKDA是一个工程, 体系结构, 以及致力于改善社区的规划公司, 帮助企业和工业发展, 建立长期的客户关系. It draws from more than a century of experience and is invested in providing innovative, 持久的设计解决方案. 创立于圣保罗, 明尼苏达州, 并在美国各地设有办事处, It delivers complete solutions for the 运输, 工业和制造业, 建筑物及地盘, 水市场.

  • 力 is a 设计 and consulting firm specializing in 工程, 社区规划, 环境, 以及建筑服务. Its dedicated staff improves the way people engage with communities, 运输, 基础设施, 能源, 以及我们的环境. 力 offers services in a wide range of complementary areas that seamlessly integrate planning, 设计, 和实现.
  • Xcel能源
    在Xcel能源公司,我们不是在等待未来. 我们正忙着建造它. 每一天, 我们为数百万家庭供电, 企业 and communities across parts of eight Western and Midwestern states. Our customers rely on us to be there 24/7 with safe, affordable electricity and natural gas. We’ve taken a leadership role as the first major power company in the U.S. to announce a vision to reduce carbon emissions 80% by 2030 and provide our customers 100% carbon-free electricity by 2050.


  • 阿卜杜
    阿卜杜 is a full-service accounting and consulting firm that delivers customized strategies and innovative solutions to help 稳定的十大彩票网站s, 企业, 非营利组织成功了. With more than 240 professionals and over six decades of experience, 阿卜杜 is ranked as one of the top accounting firms in the Midwest.
  • 埃克伯格·拉默斯,P.C.
    超过75年, 埃克伯格·拉默斯为个人服务, 企业, 、直辖市, fostering lasting relationships and offering innovative solutions for immediate and long-term success. 地点在斯蒂尔沃特和布卢明顿, 明尼苏达州, 还有哈德逊, 威斯康辛州, Eckberg is ideally situated to support municipal clients across both states. 它的服务包括城市律师, 起诉, 劳动与就业, 埃克伯格培训学院, 以及执法教育和培训, 所有这些都致力于建立强大的社区.
  • 加拉格尔
    加拉格尔 Benefit 服务 public sector consultants are ready to help you manage your organization and your people. The organization helps you put programs into place that address your employees’ most important issues. Gallaher’s process provides data that shows trends and gaps that focus on organizational, 身体和情感, 财务和职业健康. 从那里, It creates holistic strategies and innovative solutions that address your most pressing risks and prevent future problems.
  • 研究小组
    50年来, 研究小组’s multi-disciplinary professionals have proudly provided 明尼苏达州 县 and communities with right-sized 体系结构, 工程, 环境, 规划服务. 专注于建立信任关系, 整合新技术, 创建定制解决方案, 我们可以帮助您实现您的目标. Connect with us to experience our listen-first approach and collaborative process in action as we make a difference for public works, 稳定的十大彩票网站, 体育, 以及全州的娱乐部门.
  • Gillen LeVander, & 米勒,P.A.
  • 塔夫脱Stettinius & 霍利斯特LLP)
    Taft’s Public 金融 and 经济发展 group provides public finance and related services to hundreds of municipalities each year. 它的律师充当担保人, 发行人, 披露法律顾问, as well as provide legal services in related areas such as tax, 证券, 房地产, 环境, 建设, 数据隐私, 公开会议法, 利益冲突.


Acceptance of an organization in the sponsorship program does not constitute an endorsement by the 明尼苏达城市联盟, nor does it represent an opinion about the quality of an organization’s products or services.